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How to measure and improve your HSE Performance this 2024

HSE Performance

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What is an HSE Performance?

HSE Performance is the measure of success or failure of the HSE Management System against a set of benchmarks. It is the ability of an organization’s HSE Management System to achieve its set of goals, objectives and targets such as to achieve zero (0) total recordable cases, safeguard health and safety of employees, protect life, property and environment, among others. Performance is measured with key performance indicators (KPIs) and these KPIs are compared against a set of benchmarks to ascertain how well an organization has performed.

If an organization sees an improvement in its KPIs relative to a set of benchmarks, its HSE performance is considered as good performance whiles if KPIs retrogress against the set of benchmarks, it is termed as underperformance. A bad performance on the other hand is when the HSE management system is characterized by failures such as Lost Time Injuries, Medical Treatment Cases, Fatalities and others.


How can you improve your HSE Performance?

In order to improve your HSE performance, your organization must set and implement an Annual HSE Action Plan which should be based on the following important elements.

  1. HSE Goals : what are to be achieved overall.
  2. HSE Objectives: the aim of the actions to be implemented.
  3. HSE targets : the specific measure of success of the actions to be implemented.
  4. Key Performance Indicators : the actions to be implemented which will be used to measure performance.

HSE Action Plan is the road map for driving your safety KPIs within a given timeframe. This is developed beginning of a reporting year and it embodies the HSE goals, objectives, targets, actions, set timeline, responsible persons and progress made.

Your organization must then;

  1. Record what have been implemented for measurement purposes 
  2. Build a database of the key performance indicators using e.g. HSE Performance Monitoring Tool to generate adequate KPI reports. e.g  Monthly Toolbox Talks 
  3. Measure and compare the KPI reports against previous performance and a set of benchmarks.
  4. Strive to improve HSE performance by exceeding previous year’s performance or the set of benchmarks.

HSE benchmarks are the standards or point of reference for comparing performance. These benchmarks are often dictated by the industry, clients, regulatory bodies and professional bodies. What benchmarks does your organization use to drive its HSE performance?

Peter Drucker, a renowned management theorist is quoted “what gets measured gets managed.”  So if you can measure it, you can definitely improve it. 

Sel 💫 at SHEQXEL. Connect with Sel 💫 on LinkedIn

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